

Engineering von Dienstleistungssystemen für nutzergenerierte Dienstleistungen
Dienstleistungen „von Nutzern für Nutzer“ für wirksamere Softwareeinführungen

Beiträge aus dem Projekt ExTEND auf der ICIS 2017 in Seoul

Vom 10. bis zum 13. Dezember 2017 fand in Seoul, Südkorea die International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) statt. Die wichtigste internationale Konferenz im Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik stand in diesem Jahr unter dem Leitthema “Transforming Society with Digital Information” und bot Forschern und Praktikern die Möglichkeit zur Identifikation und Untersuchung von Problemstellungen, Möglichkeiten sowie Lösungen bezüglich des gesellschaftlichen und  betrieblichen Nutzens von IT-Systemen.

Sissy-Josefina Ernst und Christoph Peters von der Universität Kassel auf der ICIS 2017

Die Verbundpartner des Forschungsprojekts ExTEND waren auf der Konferenz mit zwei Beiträgen vertreten:

Li, M., Peters, C., Leimeister, JM. (2017)
Designing a peer-based support system to support shakedown
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea

Many problems of software implementations appear after roll-out during the shakedown phase. Research have shown that peer advice ties are more effective and preferred by users than traditional IT support structures. However, large organizations are often shrouded in anonymity and individuals often don’t know which peer to ask for advice, resorting to help desks as a last resort. The paper addresses the challenges of peer advice ties as support structure by presenting a peer-based support system (PBSS) design to address emerging problems of individuals during shakedown. By applying design science research and theory of interaction as explanatory theory for peer advice to derive design requirements. Based on the informational, timeliness and contextual advantages of peer advice ties, we develop tentative design principles, which aids in identifying and creating interaction among peers. The contribution lies in prescriptive knowledge on how systems should be designed to support peer advice as support structures.

Ernst, SJ., Janson, A., Peters, C., Leimeister, JM. (2017)
Understanding IT-Culture Conflicts to Drive Successful Technochange Projects – a Case Study
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea

The introduction of new information systems oftentimes requires organizational changes to realize improvements in a company’s performance. Still, many attempts to bring such technology driven organizational change (i.e., technochange) into practice fail. In this regard, cultural misfits are described to be a decisive cause for organizations’ resistance to change. With this paper, we outline our case study approach of investigating culture caused misfits in technochange projects using the theory of IT-culture conflicts. By ascribing cultural values to IT, we will identify potential cultural misfits concerning IT in a comprehensive and theory guided way. Based on insights we gain from a case study conducted during a Customer Relationship Management system integration in the energy sector, we will provide guidance on how to overcome cultural misfits in technochange projects as a practical contribution. As a theoretical contribution, we contribute to the exploration of culture and its influence on organizational outcomes in technochange.